Page 18 - Summer 2024
P. 18


                                       Those of us in the automotive community know that auto shows provide the
                                       largest number of consumers with the best opportunity, in a low-pressure
                                       environment, to shop, compare, and be educated on the latest technology
                                       and options available.

                                       We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to our local dealerships for stepping
                                       in and helping us provide our consumer community with a large variety of
                                       vehicles  and  options  to  shop  and  compare.  This  also  includes  providing
                                       vehicles  and  product  specialists  to  help  educate  consumers  and  answer
                                       questions. We are forever thankful to those dealers giving us the ability to

     “The Auto Show was a great experience
     “The A uto Sho w w as a great e xperience   provide  consumers  with  the  opportunity  to  compare  their  products  with
      for m y salespeople . The y get a chance   others displayed in the show.
      for my salespeople. They get a chance
     to work on their networking and sales
     to w ork on their netw orking and sales
     skills.  They were all able to bring back
     skills .  The y w ere all able to bring back   The following dealers paid for space, provided vehicles and representation
     some good leads from the show as well.      for their displays in their respective areas:
     some good leads from the sho
                          w as w
     The Auto Show is not only a great tradi-
     The A uto Sho w is not only a great tr adi -
      tion but a wonderful way to showcase
      tion but a w onderful w a y to sho w case
      our product. The excitement the Auto
      our product. The e x citement the A uto
     Sho w brings to the A tlanta mark et can -                                              I thought the sho w had a great
     Show brings to the Atlanta market can-
                                                                                             I thought the show had a great
      not be duplicated b
      not be duplicated by any other event.”                                                  turnout and it w as v er y w ell
                   y an
                      y other e
                                                                                              turnout and it was very well
          Mike Vigil, Vice President                                                        organized! I wish I had sent more
             e Vigil, Vice President
                                                                                            organized! I wish I had sent more
              Allan Vigil Ford
              Allan Vigil Ford                                                               people to work the show! I also
                                                                                             people to w
                                                                                                     ork the sho
                                                                                                              w! I also
                                                                                                       acturers w
                                                                                            wish the manuf
                                                                                            wish the manufacturers would get
                                                                                                               ould get
                                                                                                      ed with the sho
                                                                                              back in
     18                                                                                       back involved with the show!
                                                                                             Chris McCray, General Manager
                                                                                             Chris McCr a y , Gener al Manager
                                                                                                    Wade Ford
                                                                                                      ade Ford

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