Page 36 - Summer 2024
P. 36

Continued from page 35.

                      Please note that in these legal actions against these auto dealerships, the FTC and
                      associated  attorney  general  named  specific  store  managers  and  sued  them  for
                      specific  acts  and  practices  alleging  the  same  violations  and  misrepresentations
                      outlined in the postponed CARS Rule.

                      In addition to the postponed CARS Rule and existing FTC Act, regulatory concerns
                      from  Georgia’s  attorney  general  and  the  Consumer  Financial  Protection  Bureau
                      (CFPB) also exist, demonstrated in the following example:

                                    CFPB  Orders  Toyota  Motor  Credit  to  Pay  $60  Million  for  Illegal
                                    Lending – November 20, 2023

                                    “Lender directed customers to dead-end cancellation hotline, withheld
                                    refunds, and knowingly tarnished credit reports with false data. The
                                    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today ordered Toyota
                                    Motor Credit Corporation to pay $60 million in consumer redress and
                                    penalties for operating an illegal scheme to prevent borrowers from
                                    cancelling  product  bundles  (Add-On  F&I  Products)  that  increased
                                    their monthly car loan payments. The company withheld refunds or
                                    refunded incorrect amounts on the bundled products and knowingly
                                    tarnished consumers’ credit reports with false information. The CFPB
                                    is ordering Toyota Motor Credit to stop its unlawful practices, pay $48
                                    million to harmed consumers, and pay a $12 million penalty into the
                                    CFPB’s victims relief fund.”  7

                      Considering all the information presented here, what could every auto dealer in the
                      metro-Atlanta area be doing today to help better position their business for success?

                      Education regarding compliant
                      business best practices.

                      Consider studying the CARS Rule and the legal actions already taken against
                      auto dealerships to better understand the impact certain business practices
                      may have on your operations and overall financial health.

                      Brown  &  Brown  Dealer  Services  offers  regular  compliance  training  and
                      education to customers, including a recent comprehensive webinar series
                      focused on understanding the various aspects of the FTC CARS Rule.
    36                                                                       Continue on page 38.

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