Page 35 - Summer 2024
P. 35

The Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) is the primary statute of the Commission.
                      Under this Act, as amended, the Commission is empowered, among other things,
                      to “prevent unfair methods of competition.”  Also under this same act, the FTC has
                      proven its ability to enforce FTC Rules, such as the FTC Used Car Rule and its used
                      car window stickers. 3

                      Through various announcements, publications and legal actions, the FTC has clearly
                      stated its intention to “prevent unfair methods of competition” in the auto industry.
                      The FTC is aggressively pursuing, with various state attorney generals, the type of
                      ‘unfair,’ deceptive acts and practices itemized in the postponed CARS Rule and taking
                      these actions under the well-established and long-standing FTC Act.

                      Therefore,  regardless  of  the  outcome  of  NADA’s  CARS  Rule  lawsuit,  dealerships
                      should still immediately activate their internal advertising and compliance audits,
                      update  compliant  business  practices  and  engage  in  more  purposeful  employee

                      Consider the following headlines regarding recent FTC actions and note that all of
                      the violations detailed are still being pursued by the FTC in 2024, even after the FTC
                      announced its order postponing the effective date of the Combatting Auto Retail
                      Scams (CARS) Rule:

                             1.     FTC Announces Sweep Against 10 Auto Dealers - January 9, 2014
                                    “‘Operation Steer Clear’ Drives Home That Auto Ads Must Be Truthful

                                    The  Federal  Trade  Commission  announced  today  that  nine  auto
                                    dealers  agreed  to  settle  deceptive  advertising  charges,  and  the
                                    agency is taking action against a 10th dealer, in a nationwide sweep
                                    focusing on the sale, financing, and leasing of motor vehicles.” 4

                             2.     FTC,  Connecticut  Take  Action  Against  Manchester  City  Nissan  for
                                    Deceiving  Consumers,  Forcing  Junk  Fees  -  January  4,  2024

                                    “Federal court complaint against dealer, owners and key employees
                                    charges  deceptive  and  unfair  practices  involving  “certified”  used
                                    cars, government fees, and add-ons.” 5

                             3.     FTC and Wisconsin Take Action Against Rhinelander Auto Center for                35
                                    Illegally  Discriminating  Against  American  Indian  Customers  and
                                    Charging Unlawful Junk Fees – October 24, 2023

                                    “Current  and  former  owners  agree  to  settlements  that  will  stop
                                    unlawful actions, return $1.1 million for consumer refunds.” 6
                                                                                                  Continue on page 36.

                                                                                         On	The	Move	2023
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