Page 3 - Summer 2024
P. 3


        Randy Nelson,

        Dawn Palzewicz,
        Art Director
                                                                                  SUMMER 2024
        Richard Stegall
        IT & Website

        Nicholas R. Brunotte,                                                        42 ANNAUL
        Paul Dosescu,
        Thomas J. O’Neil,
        Randy Nelson,
        & Shayne Wilson
                                                                                       Atlanta’s Spring Thing!
        PHOTOGRAPHY:                                                                WRAP
        Staff Photographer

        	                                      in this issue

                        440 Interstate North Pkwy
                        Atlanta, GA 30339      4    Mission Statement              22   Accelerate:
                                                    Board of Directors                  Dealerships	Consolidation,
                                                                                   	    Talent,	&	AI
                                               6    Drive On                            Forvis Mazars
        770-916-1741                                Shayne Wilson                               MAADA President                30   Video MPI? Here’s why!
                                                                                        Paul Dosescu
                                               5    Advertiser’s Guide
        On The Move is published four times annually                                    Assurant
        by  the  Metro  Atlanta  Automobile  Dealers   2    Mission Statement
        Association.  Any  reproduction  in  whole  or      Board of Directors     34   Prioritizing Compliance
        in  part  of  the  contents  of  this  publication  is                          Makes Good Business Sense
        prohibited without prior consent of the Metro                                   Tom O’Neil
                                                                                        Brown & Brown
        Atlanta  Automobile  Dealers  Association.  The                                 Dealer Services
        appearance of advertisers does not constitute
        an en- dorsement of the products or services                               40   EV demand isn’t nearly
        by  the  Metro  Atlanta  Automobile  Dealers  As-                               as high as was projected.
        sociation. This publication is distributed with                                 What	does	this	mean	for	     3
        the  understanding  that  the  publisher  and                              	    your	Fixed	Operations
        distributor are not rendering legal, accounting   10   42nd Annual Atlanta    	  Strategy?
        or  other  professional  services  and/or  advice      International Auto Show       Nick R. Brunotte
        and  assume  no  liability  whatsoever  in     	  Wrap in Pictures!             Formula Automotive
                                                    •Car	Clubs	Page	14
        connection with the use of this publication. If   	  •Special	Exhibits	Page	16
        legal, accounting or other professional advice   	  •Shout	Out	to	Local
        or  assistance  is  required,  the  services  of  a   	  	Dealerships	Page	18
        competent pro- fessional should be retained.  	  •Social	Media	Page	20
                                                                                         On The Move 2024
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