Page 6 - Summer 2024
P. 6

Welcome to Our Summer Edition of ON THE MOVE Magazine!

                                                                                               By Shayne Wilson
                                                                                                    MAADA President
           NOW	IS	THE	TIME...
           to start having conversations with your manufacturer about having a strong presence at the

           2025 Atlanta International Auto Show. The Atlanta show toughed it out through the COVID
           years, chip shortage, strikes, and was the only major show to not miss a year! This is because
           we know how important the show is for your annual marketing efforts.

           Atlanta has been the host to the Olympics, Super Bowls, World Series, will be the host for the
           MLB Allstar game in 2025 and the FIFA World Cup Soccer in 2026. We have the third largest
           convention center in the US and have recently surpassed Washinton DC and Philadelphia in
      6    Metro Populations.

           Atlanta is the premier city in the south and should have a premier show!

           The manufacturers weigh heavily the interest of the dealers in a market when they choose how
           much effort on their part goes into the show or whether they participate at all. The squeaky
           wheel gets the grease.

                                                                                                    Continue on page 8.

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