Page 28 - Summer 2024
P. 28

Continued from page 27.

                 Upcoming Concerns, Functionality, & Regulations Related to AI
                 The  development,  deployment,  and  use  of  AI  in  machinery  and  equipment,  automotive,
                 recreational, and commercial truck dealerships come with a range of potential future concerns,
                 such  as  increased  sophistication  of  AI  system  functionality,  enhanced  risks  from  hackers,
                 changes in laws and regulations, and ethical concerns and biases.

                 Addressing these concerns requires a proactive approach, including ongoing education and
                 training  for  both  your  dealership  group  and  your  consumers,  enhanced  security  protocols,
                 secure data management, and adherence to ethical AI practices. As AI continues to evolve, so
                 must the strategies to help mitigate these risks.

                 For more information on AI functionality and its impact on dealerships, reach out to a professional
                 at Forvis Mazars.

              1   “Remote Work Statistics And Trends In 2024,”, June 12, 2023.
              2   “Pay, Flexibility, Career Growth Keys to Auto Retail Retention,”, January 20, 2024.
    28        3   “NADA Dealership Workforce Study: Summary – Looking Back on 2022,”
                  “Under the Hood: Unraveling the Diesel Technician Shortage,”, November 8, 2023.
              5   “Bridging the Diesel Technician Shortage,”, May 17, 2022.
              6   “Artificial intelligence: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters,”
              7   “ISO/IEC 42001:2003 Information Technology – Artificial Intelligence – Management System,”, Edition 1, 2023.

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